All of the assigned readings are available online through the links in the syllabus, below.  In addition, most of the readings are available in two printed volumes, available (for $10 apiece) from Amazon through the following links:

I. Origins of Rights to Land (2 classes)

II. Controlling Land Use (7 classes)

A. Introduction

B. The Common Law

1. Nuisance

2. Light and Air

3, Trespass

C. Legislative Overlays

D. Constitutional Limitations

III. Subdividing Rights (6 classes)

A. The Estate System

B. Concurrent Interests

C. Landlords and Tenants

D. Nonpossessory Interests

IV. Transferring Rights (6 classes)

A. Sales

B. Gifts

C. Death

D. Adverse Possession

V. Rights to Water (2 classes)

VI. Rights to Animals (2 classes)

VII. Rights to People (2 classes)

VIII. Rights to Information (4 classes)

A. Health Data

B. Traditional Knowledge

IX. Rights to Innovations (4 classes)

A. Fictional Characters

B. Artificial Intelligence

  • Lecture: The Treatment of Artificial Intelligence under Intellectual Property Law
  • Second Request for Reconsideration for Refusal to Register SURYAST (Copyright Review Board, December 11, 2023) [pdf]
  • New York Times v. OpenAI (Complaint)